Saturday, February 14, 2009

House of Superman

10622 Kimberly Ave., Cleveland, OH 44108
The boyhood and young adult home of Jerry Siegel, the writing half of Siegel and Shuster, creators of the most iconic superhero ever created, Superman. Is there anybody at all who has not heard of this fictional character? Well, I happened to be driving through Cleveland yesterday and decided to have a look at this place where one of the greatest characters of fiction was created.
It was then, and still is, a hard scrabble neighborhood in a beat up area of the city. Certainly, young Jerry must have been inspired by his surroundings to create a hero that could transcend these squalid streets and elevate his imagination to a higher plain. A place where Truth, Justice, and the American way prevailed. It is little wonder why his imagination transported him to this wonderful realm of fantasy. "Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's SUPERMAN!
Superman's house. As you can see, the current owner has tried to keep with the color of Superman's costume. You have the light blue reflected in the porch and gable, red trim, and yellow in the middle. There is a construction dumpster in the driveway, so evidently they are renovatting. It is fitting that such a historic place is not left to rot like so many things in our throwaway culture. Unforunately, it appears that they have a ways to go...

The house next door needs much more work to be presentable.

The street .

H/T to Daniel Best for the address.


Paula said...

That's a cute house! The street could use some work though.

dmarks said...

The problems in the neighborhood must be Lex Luthor's fault.

Great photo and post.

Daniel Best said...

Interesting stuff indeed. It's heartening to know that the house is still standing and in reasonable condition. Well done!

The Conservative UAW Guy said...

You're about due for some drawings, eh?

The Webers said...

Thanks for turning me onto your blog. I've got some reading to catch up on. Sorry for not taking the initiative before. I'm enjoying so far.
Take care,

Anonymous said...
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Chuang Shyue Chou said...

I like it when you post images of houses and streets that normal people live in.

Have you thoughts of drawing some of these houses?

;ljfd said...

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