Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Vietnam Memorial

These photos of the Vietnam Memorial were taken later in the day after visiting the WW2 Memorial. It is north of the Reflecting Pool, between the WW2 and Lincoln Memorial.
These life sized figures face the wall at the entrance...
This is the wall as you move past the figures. These people, like me, came to remember friends, neighbors, loved ones...
Lawrence "Larry" Poet is the person that I came to remember. He was the son of our next door neighbor, Ralph Poet. He was three weeks shy of his nineteenth birthday when he was killed. I was ten years old.


Chuang Shyue Chou said...

I think the three figures are very expressive. They hint at the difficult jungle terrain experienced by the infantry then.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

When I went to DC in 92 and 93, I expected the Vietnam Memorial to be nothing more than what it had been described at that time: "The Slash" and other pejoratives.

I found the Vietnam Memorial to be touching, moving, gripping -- and much more.