W: "Cap and I were just having a discussion about the direction the country has been moving in since I took office 5 years ago, and he gave me a solid pat on the back(side)."
W was probably sporting wood...
This is an interesting weblog... Do you do the illustrations yourself?
The poseidon is mine, and the two Captain America drawings are by my old friend, professional comics artist Michael Netzer. Thank you for stopping by. More drawings are coming!
Joe! Welcome. His name used to be Mike Nasser. He was big in the late '70's and '80's. He was a good friend of mine when I was like 13 until he moved to NYC and got a job at DC. He did some smaller titles (Kobra, Kamandi) before doing Batman. He also worked for Marvel (Planet of the Apes). He also worked at Continuity Studios with Neal Adams.He kind of disappeared and re-surfaced in Israel (hence the name change, I surmise. Nasser is not a good last name to have there!). He is an Arab who is also a Jew (I wonder what Mark would say to that)and very talented. I have not collected comics for years and years, but my 11 yr. old son is becoming interested, so I guess we'll have something else we can both enjoy "I try to walk away...BUT THEY PULL ME BACK!"
I never read most of the ones that you mention, but I have recently downloaded most Batman and Detectives, so I'll look in those files and see if I can find his work.
BTW, comic collecting these days is EXPENSIVE, but a lot of the older maags are available to downloaad via Bit Torrent. Let me know if you'd like to know more about that.
BTW, thanks for the blogroll. I'm still trying to make it work on mine. According to the forum, I'm not the only one having problems, so it's probably BlogDrive.
Where in Michigan are you? My mom was from Garden City, and I still have relatives all over the state.
JtT, when I went to High School I lived in Westland, right next to GC. Now I live in Commerce Twp. About 10 miles west of Pontiac. It's a nice community with several lakes within 5 minutes of where I live. I live on the Huron River (boat in the back yard, but still waiting for warm weather) just upstream from a small lake. I windsurf across the street on another lake.
I'm 49 and married with children (look out Al Bundy)went to college and got a degree, have been fixing electromechanical computer controlled machines for over 25 years (currently in healthcare).To do my job I travel the midwest (OH, MI,NY,PA,MN,WI,) south (NC,SC,TN,LA), and west (AZ,CO,WY,ND). In the 80's lived in NYC while in the US Coast Guard, traveled thru Europe, got married. I had kids in the 90's and went back to school until I got my degree in 2000. Last 9 years things have really come together for me professionally. I have lots of good things in my life, but lingering regrets over paths not taken.Seem to be kind of like a shark, if I quit swimming, I stop breathing. There's always something out there... and I can't stop looking until I find IT (whatever IT is).
email: Spartan1961@yahoo.com
This is an interesting weblog... Do you do the illustrations yourself?
The poseidon is mine, and the two Captain America drawings are by my old friend, professional comics artist Michael Netzer. Thank you for stopping by. More drawings are coming!
Hey Tim!
I collected comics for a long time, but stopped about 10 years ago, so I don't recognize your friend's name. What mags has he worked on?
I'll put your link on my blog..... I think I've figured out how to do that now......!
Joe! Welcome. His name used to be Mike Nasser. He was big in the late '70's and '80's. He was a good friend of mine when I was like 13 until he moved to NYC and got a job at DC. He did some smaller titles (Kobra, Kamandi) before doing Batman. He also worked for Marvel (Planet of the Apes). He also worked at Continuity Studios with Neal Adams.He kind of disappeared and re-surfaced in Israel (hence the name change, I surmise. Nasser is not a good last name to have there!). He is an Arab who is also a Jew (I wonder what Mark would say to that)and very talented. I have not collected comics for years and years, but my 11 yr. old son is becoming interested, so I guess we'll have something else we can both enjoy "I try to walk away...BUT THEY PULL ME BACK!"
I never read most of the ones that you mention, but I have recently downloaded most Batman and Detectives, so I'll look in those files and see if I can find his work.
BTW, comic collecting these days is EXPENSIVE, but a lot of the older maags are available to downloaad via Bit Torrent. Let me know if you'd like to know more about that.
BTW, thanks for the blogroll. I'm still trying to make it work on mine. According to the forum, I'm not the only one having problems, so it's probably BlogDrive.
Where in Michigan are you? My mom was from Garden City, and I still have relatives all over the state.
JtT, when I went to High School I lived in Westland, right next to GC. Now I live in Commerce Twp. About 10 miles west of Pontiac. It's a nice community with several lakes within 5 minutes of where I live. I live on the Huron River (boat in the back yard, but still waiting for warm weather) just upstream from a small lake. I windsurf across the street on another lake.
Please let me know about bit torrent.
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