The current disaster in New Orleans will showcase the fearlessness, sacrifice, and dedication of some of the most caring and couragous men and women of the USA! Uncle Sam's Can-do Group. Don't forget the men and women who are keeping us safe by risking their lives right here in America while the other branches of the service are off fighting abroad. Go get'em Coasties!!!
5 days ago
This woman freaks me out:
I don't know her or her sister, I've never been to their sites, but when my blog was featured on MSN Spaces, I got a ton of traffic and she was one of them.
That comment re: my daughter disturbs me too... See it under SkyMonkie is Home... someone in the mil tells her about being a 2nd class citizen, and a real probabilty of getting raped.
I never said 99%of Muslims were terrorists, and thats what she wrote... then other people posted her post! She's got the whole Muslim world after me. I'm having to delete comments right and left.
Besides everyone I know, knew I was talking about Islamic Terrorists, not the run of the mill kind like T. McVeigh...
Well pebblepie, it sounds like you have really teed off a bunch of people! I know you are only speaking your mind, but I really think you need a slightly more tolerant worldview. If things were going as well in Iraq as they are in Afgahnistan, all of these attacks would not be happening.In Afgahnistan, life is getting back to normal, and there are only a few die hard Taliban here and there but they are nowhere near the problem as the Iraq insurgents. We also have a UN sanction there, and many allies.
We had every right to go after the Taliban when they refused to give up Al Queda, but we are only in Iraq to settle a personal score of the Bush family. You can say all that you want about what a bad man Saddam was, but this really was not our fight, and the patriotic fervor of 9/11 was co-opted by Bush to go after Saddam. Well Saddam is gone, so are his sons, I think we should now be leaving, as does most of the country. I invite you to review my previous post.
The woman talking about rape in the military claims that it happened to her, so of course she is going to have an extreme view. I don't think rape is widespread in the military, but this is what I HAVE seen: young, good looking female gets into sexual quid pro quo relationship with older, more powerful superior who can "smooth out the bumps in the road" for her. It is usually the woman's choice, so if you raised SM right, it should not be a problem. The drinking thing IS a real problem though. It is also the same on college campuses. Girl gets really drunk, passes out and maybe a couple of guys (who are also really drunk and probably wouldn't do this if they were sober)take advantage. I have never witnessed it but have heard stories. SM's best defense for both of these problems is the "Buddy System". Having one or two really good female friends who watch each other's backs and go around together so as not to present an opportunity. This situation isn't really different from college life except for the fact that there are far fewer available females in the military than in college. And let's face it: men from 18-22 have a high sex drive, and add in some alcohal... well you can add 2 + 2.
Hey Peb,
I noticed the website of the wacko muslim women is off the air. I must say that some of the attacks on you were knee-jerk responses and inaccurately quoted what you said.
I looked at your MSN blog and really didn't see anything offensive. I guess some people have to bully to get their point across, which kinda means that they really don't have a valid one.
Although I sometimes disagree with your point of view, I think you are a pleasant person and very civil. It would be boring if all of us agreed about everything, wouldn't it?
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