Derek and I went to Holiday Valley to do some skiing a few weeks ago and we enjoyed it very much. although not as challenging as Bristol Mountain, the place was excellent as far as grooming, the lodge, and general quality of the experience.
My son the skiing superhero. We actually do sort of look like Batman and Robin when we are festooned in all of our skiing regalia. Skiing is sort of like being a superhero! You get to dress in cool clothes in bright colors and perform superhuman feats of speed and even get to fly if you are brave enough. "To infinity... and beyond! "
This is the top of "Mardi Gras" the longest run at over one mile. A combo green/blue run...

This is the view from the lodge.

Getting on towards sunset, I took this photo from the top of the bowl on the left of the trailmap...
Holiday Valley trailmap.

This is the view from the lodge.

Getting on towards sunset, I took this photo from the top of the bowl on the left of the trailmap...

What about more drawings, Tim?
Having too much fun skiing! Soon, Shyue Chou, soon!
Tim just stumbled on this Seems you and I have skiied alot of similar places You are from MichiganFYI Nubs Nob still making snow as of yesterday Doug Hazelpark
Thanks for the visit doug. I'll going to Utah for spring break. Look for pics of Alta, Snowbird, And Solitude Mountain!
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