I have been told that I need to update my blog so I have tapped a childhood memory for my subject. Back in the mid-sixties, COMBAT! was the longest running TV series about WWII, and I was a HUGE fan. Although I thought Saunders (Vic Morrow) was very cool, Lt. Hanley (Rick Jason), was always my personal fave. Rounding out the cast of characters were Caje (Pierre Jalbert), Doc (Conlan Carter), Littlejohn (Dick Peabody), and Kirby (Jack Hogan). Rick's life ended tragically with a self inflicted gunshot wound in 2000, just after attending a show reunion where he was said to be in high spirits. He was 78. It is ironic that Vic Morrow also died (in 1982) under equally tragic circumstances (he was killed while filming a scene for "Twilight zone, the movie", and was decapitated when a helicopter crashed after an explosion caused it to lose control. John Landis the director, barely escaped jail for manslaughter, but that's another story).
In the opening of his autobiography, "scrapbooks of my mind", Rick talks about his suburban life on a quiet cul-de-sac, and how the niehborhood kids come around whenever they are bored or need help with something, like he was sort of the Grandpa of the street, none of the kids knowing that he was once a big TV star. To them, he was RJ, the old guy down the street. They knew nothing of his boyhood struggles with anti-semitism (Rick was Jewish,as was Vic Morrow,but really secular, not practicing. His real last name was Jacobson), joining the Air Corps at the outbreak of WWII, struggling to find acting work in New York, his B-movie career in the 50's, acting in COMBAT! in the 60's, more film work (mostly overseas, there is a hilarious story about a film he did in Israel called "Eagles attack at dawn") Guest star and TV commercial voice-over work (he was Toyota spokesman on TV in the 80's, and was very popular in Japan, where COMBAT! was huge in re-runs), 5 marriages, world-wide travels, hunting and fishing trips in South America and Africa, just so many experiences of such a full life. Sometimes I wonder if people like this (Hemingway, another person I admire, comes to mind) just can't adjust to a normal life. No longer the center of attention, maybe not as rich as they once were, no longer in the Jet-set, they become bored with life and want to see what is next. He never had kids, so he didn't have that tie to hold him here. I wish I'd have gotten the chance to meet him, as he was one of the people who unknowingly taught me what a man was supposed to act like. I did the sketch below a few months back. My scanner does not do it justice and I am thinking of inking it, but if I do it'll be on tracing paper over the original. So Rick, if you can see this from wherever you are, I hope you like it.
Everybody who left a comment, my apologies. For some reason they were lost. I hope the probelm is now corrected.
I like the new look, Tim.
That drawing is great too.
I liked Vic Morrow. Truly an untimely departure...
Combat, my dad and I used to watch that every week when I was a kid.
I left this comment eons ago and iut never showed! Glad it's fixed!
There is some information on Rick Jason at the Jo Davidsmeyer site. Jo was instumental in getting Combat on DVD.
There were several Combat reunions in the 90's. Sadly Rick Jason committed suicide just a few weeks after the last reunion, October 2000. Dick Peabody (Little John) preceded Rick a few years earlier. Doc, Kirby, Caje, and Nelson are still with us. The full combat set is available at Amazon.com
Regards Ken
Tim, an additional comment. I switched on the TV in Shanghai and ..... noooooo... I can't believe it. COMBAT was SHOWING!!!
That was the first time I have seen Combat since 1973-1974!
Anyhow, I only saw a few minutes before I had to go out.
I noticed that you have read Rudel's 'Stuka Pilot'. Have you read Otto Cassius' 'Tigers in the Mud'?
That is a worthwhile read. It is simply human. And real.
Fer chrissake, Tim. Spend less time at my site and more time updating yours!
Chuang, thank you for your comment! COMBAT! is now showing in Singapore. There is now justice! I think the show was shelved for so long because of anti-war feelings after 'Nam. Wierd because the show was very anti-war. I will look for Tigers in the Mud. I devour anything about WWII that I can get my hands on.
Mark, at least I get you to leave some comments that way!
Just havin a little fun over there at KOTGD at the expense of a buddy (you!).
I think my next entry will be about STUKA pilot Han Ulrich Rudel. It may take a little time, because I'll be doing a drawing to go with it.
Whoops, make that Shanghi!
Of course, there's the famous tank ace Michael Whitmann. He's a lot more famous than Cassius.
Hi! I am a big fan of Rick Jason in Japan. NoW here in Japan we can watch "Combat!" on TV. I have my blog about Rick and Combat.
I am a loyal fan of Vic Morrow
My Forums Addresses:
Rick Jason, on of the }television heroes of my childhood; in the French countryside they -the American soldiers- battled against German troops. A good TV series I used to watch, I think, in the sixties (I was ten years old in 1968). In the Southern area of the Mexican State of Sonora (South of Arizona) where I lived then. Now I think and remember with nostalgia about those fightings. I live in Guadalajara, Jalisco (land of tequila). Am 49 years old. Alejandro Ochoa}. First Liutenant Rick Jason deserves an homage.
thanks for the interesting info in your blog.
i just started watching re-runs of combat. i don't recall it because I was the age of jennifer jason leigh when it was on air. but i find it very well done, for a tv show of that time.
i have been searching but can find no article/indication of why rick jason took his own life. does anyone know if he was in ill health? did anyone in that reunion get any vibes?
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